Monday, June 1, 2009

1st June 2009: Monday Mosh #4

1st June 2009: Monday Mosh #4
G’day, Vaughan here. Welcome to this week’s Monday Mosh. We had a pretty big week after the release of This Day Forth. Overall, we’re very pleased with the feedback we’ve received about the album. The thing I’ve really noticed in scouring the web for reviews and comments about the album is just how prevalent illegal downloading has become. We’ve never really suffered from this before, but as the profile of the band has increased, so too have the number of blogs and torrent sites offering free downloads. Sorry to start on a downer, but this situation is getting outrageous. I’ve worked out that at least 1000 people have downloaded the album from these sites. I realize not all these people would buy the album, but if even 50 of them did it would make a big difference. We spent a good chunk of the weekend contemplating the future of the music business in a world where so many people download material for free. We are in interesting times.

The band had an enjoyable weekend. We spent Saturday night playing LAN games at Fattdog Studio with Daniel and a group of friends. It was a great night of laughter and friendship. Matt, Shreds and myself were up until 5am talking about various band related matters. We then spent Sunday afternoon mucking around with some new song ideas in the studio. As you should all know by now, we always have an eye to the future with regard to songwriting and composition. Simon contributed his first song to the band, with a little tune I’ve entitled “War Is Hell” (yes Simon, I’ve changed the song title since yesterday). A great time was had by all. When you’ve been through everything we have over the last 5 years, I can’t tell you how cool it is just to hang with your best mates and jam music. It truly gives me purpose in life. The opportunity to present the gospel through thrash is a dream come true.

We have some gigs coming up at last. We are making our live return on June 13th at the Castle in Northbridge. This is thanks to our friend Rowland Gwynne. I will get details up on the website soon, but I know we will be playing sometime after 10.30pm. This will be Simon’s live debut with the band, and we are pulling out all the stops. We will be hopefully playing 4 songs from This Day Forth, along with some older tunes from the first 2 albums. I urge all our Perth supporters to get down to the Castle, and bring a mate with you. We want to show the local metal scene what Grave Forsaken is all about. We also have a gig at the Castle on July 11th. This will be our official This Day Forth launch gig, so Rowland is planning a big night of festivities and giveaways. Again, more details to come, but keep it free and come and check out the band. If you’ve been curious about checking us out, and haven’t been yet, now is the time. Our current 5 piece lineup is our best ever, and we are keen to bring the thrash.

This week Mosher Crew members will receive the first edition of our new email newsletter. The newsletter will come out every month and will contain exclusive news and competitions. It is a really exciting time to be involved with the band, so join the Mosher Crew now and start enjoying the benefits. A few members of the old crew still haven’t re-signed to the new crew. Unfortunately the old email list was lost when I changed servers, so if you were in the crew and haven’t heard from us in a while, you need to join up again through our official website. I can safely say the way I run the Crew now is far better than before, and new website allows much more interactivity.

Nearly time to sign out for the week, but I would like to draw your attention to the games section of our official site. We’ve recently started looking into making some fun flash games for you all to enjoy. Currently we have “Hit Shreds” and “Simon On The Tightrope” up on the site. Head over there now and check them out. There is a thread on our forum (also part of the official site now) called games, where people have started entering their top scores. Over time we will be adding more games for you to play on the site. It’s all about creating the best possible experience we can.

Thanks again for checking out the blog – your support means a lot to the band. We look forward to seeing you or hearing from you sometime soon.

Vaughan and Grave Forsaken

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